
High-Speed Doors Maintenance: Tips and Tricks

As businesses and industries continue to grow, high-speed doors have become a necessity in the smooth operations of many facilities. These doors are designed to open and close quickly, ensuring optimal efficiency while maintaining safety. However, high-speed door maintenance is vital to remain functional and safe like any other equipment. Below are some tips and tricks for high-speed door maintenance to help keep your doors in top condition and prolong their lifespan.

What Are High-Speed Doors?

High-speed doors are designed to operate at high speeds, opening and closing quickly to allow for smooth traffic flow in your facility. Some of the most popular high-speed door materials include Rubber, PVC, aluminum, and steel, and are essential for many industries, such as warehousing, food processing, and pharmaceuticals. 

Some of the most common advantages of high-speed doors that benefit businesses and individuals alike are as follows:

  • They are designed to operate at high speeds, making them ideal for facilities with high traffic volume.
  • High-speed doors improve efficiency by reducing wait times and increasing productivity.
  • They also enhance safety by minimizing the risk of collisions and accidents.
  • High-speed doors help regulate temperature and prevent the ingress of dust, dirt, and pests.
  • They are low-maintenance and require minimal upkeep to function properly.
  • They may be tailored to meet unique requirements and preferences.

Tips and Tricks for Maintaining High-Speed Doors

Proper maintenance ensures high-speed door safety and improves efficiency while prolonging its lifespan. Below are some tips and tricks for maintaining high-speed doors, from cleaning and lubricating to inspection and calibration.

  • Lubrication
    Proper high-speed door lubrication is crucial for maintaining the optimal performance of your doors. It reduces friction between moving parts, which can cause early wear and tear and extend the life of the doors. Lubricating your doors is a relatively simple process that can be done with just a few basic tools and materials.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Start by identifying the parts that require lubrication. These include hinges, rollers, bearings, and tracks.
  2. Thoroughly clean each component to eliminate any dirt or debris collected on them.
  3. Lubricate each moving part with a little quantity of lubrication. Make sure you use a lubricant formulated particularly for high-speed doors.
  4. With a clean towel, remove any excess lubrication.


  • Lubricate your doors regularly. It's recommended to lubricate the moving parts at least once every 6 months.
  • Use a high-quality lubricant. Using a subpar lubricant may cause damage to the door's moving parts.
  • Avoid excessive lubrication. Too much lubrication can collect dirt and debris, causing additional problems.
  • Inspection
    Regular inspections are crucial to maintaining the functionality and safety of high-speed doors. You can avoid more serious issues by detecting and resolving them early on. At least once a month, inspections should be performed, and any defects or malfunctions must be fixed quickly to avoid costly repairs or downtime.<

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Check for cracks, dents, and rust, all wear and tear symptoms.
  2. Ensure the door's safety features, such as photo eyes and edges, function correctly.
  3. Inspect the door's tracks and guides for any damage or obstruction.
  4. Test the door's operation and observe any unusual noises or movements.
  5. Replace any worn or damaged parts promptly.

Trick: Record your inspections and repairs to track your high-speed doors' maintenance history and identify recurring issues.

  • Calibration
    Proper calibration of the sensors in high-speed doors ensures their safe and reliable operation. Calibration helps to adjust the door's speed, motion detection, and safety features and prevent false triggers or malfunctions. Failure to calibrate the sensors can compromise the facility's and its workers' safety. It is recommended to perform calibration at least once a year or as per the manufacturer's guidelines.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Start by disconnecting the power supply to the door to avoid any accidents.
  2. Locate the sensors and check for any visible damages or obstructions that may interfere with their operation.
  3. Use the manufacturer's instructions to adjust the sensors' sensitivity, range, and detection zones.
  4. Test the door's motion detection and safety features to ensure they work correctly.
  5. Make sure to re-connect the power supply to the door after calibration.


  • Consider hiring a professional technician to perform the calibration if you are unsure how to do it.
  • Record the calibration date and any adjustments made for future reference.
  • Regularly check the condition of the sensors and calibration to ensure the door operates smoothly and safely.

Contact Comtec Overhead Door Experts for High-Speed Door Maintenance

Keep your high speed doors running smoothly with expert maintenance

Maintaining high-speed doors is crucial for their longevity and safe operation. However, even with proper maintenance, high-speed doors can still experience issues in the long run. That's why it's crucial to have a reliable and professional door service in Lacombe, like Comtec Overhead Door Experts, to handle any repairs or maintenance needs.

At Comtec Overhead Door Experts, we specialize in high-speed garage door maintenance. Our highly skilled and well-trained technicians are dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring your high-speed doors always operate at their best. Contact us today at (403) 872 5394 to schedule your high-speed door repair or maintenance service and keep your facility running smoothly.