
As we all know, it can get very cold in Canada and the fluctuation in temperature can cause damage to your vehicles that you leave outside. To preserve the life of your car in cold climates, it is suggested that you get a house with a garage. It is preferable that your garage is heated but any garage will make a difference in temperature of at least 20 degrees. If you have the garage space, but you have it filled with stuff, it may be difficult for you to store your vehicle in the garage. Here we will give you five tips that will help you organize all of the stuff in your garage so that you can keep your car safe in extreme temperatures.

1.Take inventory

When recovering from any problem, the first step is to admit that there is a problem. Your problem is a garage full of stuff. In order to solve this problem, the first thing for you to do is to take inventory of everything in your garage. Look through your garage to find out what you need, what is actually yours, and what is something that you are keeping for someone else. Separate the things that are essential from the items that you don't need or, that no longer work. You may want to take all the items in the second pile and put them up for sale.

2. Sell what you don't need.

Once you have your pile of DISPOSABLE ITEMS, you can have a yard sale so that you can give someone else the opportunity to enjoy some of your old stuff. Not only will you save space for your vehicle, but you can also make a little bit of money as well. You know what they say about one's trash being someone else's treasure, so you never know what may be valuable to someone else.

3. Throw away the rest.

Now that you are figured out what you need, and sold everything else, it is inevitable that you have some things left over. You can GIVE AWAY TO any number of foundations and charities that can use the items you have. YOU can call any number of charities, and if your items are useful to their cause, they will pick it up for you if you don't wish to take it yourself.

4. Time to get organized.

Now that you have disposed of all of your extra things, now you have the essential things you wish to keep. Now you will need a place to put them. Luckily for you, shelves and containers were invented. Whereas before your things were spread out, now they can stack up. Get yourself some shelves, four to five rows at least, and put what will fit on the rows. Put the shelves against the wall, out of the way of the garage door opening. It is important to clear your doorway completely.

Everything that won't fit on a shelf, containers will do just as well. They can be stacked up and labeled, so you know what is inside them.

5. Use any attic or crawlspace.

Not everything you need out of the way needs to go in the garage. Think of the places in your house that have underutilized space. Attics, crawlspaces, and unfinished basements should have a good amount of space to store other items. Be brave, clear out the cobwebs and turn on the lights. If you have more piles of stuff in these places, repeat steps one through three before you get to the garage.